Harold Gutiérrez (Artistic direction Rock Division)

Harold Gutierrez, Musiktage am Rhein Festival

Composer, pianist, and conductor Harold Gutiérrez began musical studies at the National Conservatory of Colombia and the Superior Academy of Arts in Bogotá. Mr. Gutiérrez holds his BM and Master's from Queens College in New York City, where he has been active as a composer, arranger, pianist, session musician, and educator for over two decades. 

Gutiérrez has received numerous awards, including first place in the Long Island League of Composers Competition, the ACE Award as MD for the production "Rhythms of Latin America" by Mestizo Dance Company, and the City University of New York Leo Kraft Composition Award. The Colombian government awarded him the National Composition Prize for his work "Andanzas Latinoamericanas for Symphony Orchestra." The work was premiered by the Galveston Symphony Orchestra in Houston and recorded by the Colombian National Symphony Orchestra. Since 2018, Mr. Gutiérrez's book Sonorous has been published in the New York State Schools Music Association, contributing to the repertoire of piano students in the state.

Mr. Gutiérrez is an active music educator in the New York area and has been collaborating with iSchool since 2007 as a piano teacher, band coach, and Music Director for student productions in the United States, China, and Germany. 



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Pro Musica Viva - Musiktage am Rhein Festival
Mainzer Virtuosi
Cassalmaggiore Music Festival
Cassalmaggiore Music Festival



Landesmusikakademie RPL

Am Heinrichhaus 2

56566 Neuwied-Engers

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