Bo Peng (Violoncello)

Bo Peng (Cello) Musiktage am Rhein Festival

Mr. Bo Peng holds a Bachelor of Music in Cello Performance from the University of North Texas, a Master of Music from the Eastman School of Music, as well as a Performer’s Diploma from the Indiana University where he studied with distinguished cellist Janos Starker. His teachers also included renowned cellists Steven Doane, Carter Enyeart, Marc Johnson and Eric Wilson.

Mr. Peng was a two-time winner of the Music Teacher National Association Competitions (Strings Division); he also won 3 rd prize in the International Chamber Music Competition held by the Czech Radio “Spring of Prague”.


As a soloist and chamber musician, he attended several summer festivals and master classes including International Summer Academy at University Mozarteum (Salzburg, Austria) on the Johann Strauss Foundation (2002 and 2003), the Banff Summer Festival, the Spoleto Summer Festival, the Taos Chamber Music Festival and the National Arts Center Young Artists Programme where he worked with world-class musicians such as Lynn Harrell, Gary Hoffmann, Aldo Parisot, Pinchas Zurkermann and the Tokyo String Quartet. In 2003, Mr. Bo Peng toured as member of Vancouver Piano Trio to Japan performing concerts and teaching Master Classes. In May 2005, he performed in the Shanghai premiere of Messiaen "Quartet for the End of Time" with clarinetist Gene Ramsbottom. In December, both of them worked together again for a Chamber Music Concert with local musicians in Taiwan.

Being a founding member for Vancouver Trio with Clarinetist Gene Ramsbottom and Pianist Keiko Alexander, Mr. Peng has been performing regularly in Universities and Chamber music Series in B.C since 2006. In February 2008, as soloist Mr. Peng played Dvorak Cello Concerto with Richmond Orchestra and Chorus. In November 2009, he performed Beethoven Triple Concerto in Vancouver with pianist Eugen Skovorodnikov and violinist Victor Kuleshov. In December 2009, Mr. Peng performed with Stradivari Ensemble of the Vancouver Academy of Music’s debut as soloist with director and violinist Robert Rozek. In February 2010, Mr. Peng is feature soloist with Vancouver Philharmoic for performing Dvorak Cello Concerto. In the summer of 2010, Mr. Bo Peng was invited by Quanta Culture and Education Foundations touring with Robert Rozek and Eric Wilson for the summer concerts and workshops in Taiwan. In January 2012, Mr. Bo Peng joined Borealis String Quartet as Cellist. The Quartet toured USA, Canada, Germany and Italy, in 2013 the Borealis will tour China, USA, Canada and Italy. In 2012, Mr. Bo Peng was invited as Principal Cellist by Taiwan Connection Music Festival under directing of Violinist NaiYuan Hu toured the whole Island of Taiwan.


Since 2012 summer, Mr. Bo Peng joined the cello faculty of Casalmaggiore International Music Festival, Italy. The Borealis Quartet will be the Quartet in Residence of Casalmaggiore International Music Festival since then.


Mr. Peng’s teaching experience included being a sectional coach for the Dallas Youth Orchestra, and teaching cello in the Dallas Private School District. Currently, he is teaching in Richmond Music School, Delta Community School of Music, and Guildford School of Music. Mr. Peng served as the Cello teaching assistant for Mr. Eric Wilson (Cello Professor) at UBC from where he was working towards his Doctoral Degree in Cello Performance. He taught Master Classes in Shanghai, China, Taichung, Taiwan as well as at the University of B.C. for the Young Artists Experience weeks. He recently joined the Faculty of Cello and Chamber music at Kwantlen Polytechnical University in Langley and appointed the Junior Orchestra Director at the VSO School of Music.


彭波 (Bo Peng) 大提琴演奏家、教師 2017
加拿大籍華裔大提琴演奏家和教師 彭波 (Bo Peng) 出生於上海、 6歲即隨母親學琴﹐之後被選拔
獎學金赴美深造。1992年再獲全額獎學金轉學北德州立大學音樂學院(University of North
Texas)。1996年取得大提琴演奏學士學位。同年8月獲紐約州伊斯曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of
Music) 全額獎學金攻讀大提琴演奏專業碩士﹐1998年至2000年間師從當代大提琴大師 Janos
Starker于印第安那大學取得演奏家文憑 (Indiana University) 。移居溫哥華时,曾是英屬哥倫比亞大
學攻讀大提琴演奏博士學位的候選人且担任助教。(University of British Columbia) 。
Denon 哥倫比亞公司灌製獲獎曲目的 CD。1991年﹐在田納西州獲得全美音樂教師協會弦樂組第
作為獨奏和室內樂演奏家﹐彭波參加歐洲和美洲許多著名的音樂節。如 Banff Summer Music
Festival, Ottawa National Arts Center Young Artist Program, Taos Chamber music Festival, Spoleto
Music Festival 和 International Summer Academy at University Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria。在這些
音樂節中﹐彭波參與和當代著名音樂家Pinchas Zurkermann, Aldo Parisot, Lynn Harrell, Gary
Hoffmann, Tokyo String Quartet 等學習及演出。
Vancouver Piano Trio的成員於2003年受邀在日本東京、長崎巡迴演出及教授大師課(Master
Class)﹔2004年夏天於上海講授大師課﹔2005年夏天與哥倫比亞大學黑管教授 Mr. Gene
Ramsbottom 及當地有名的鋼琴家、小提琴家合作促使難得一見 ‘Quartet the end of time’曲目首次
在上海的演出。同年12月在台灣員林演藝廳與當地音樂家舉行室內樂音樂會. 2008年2月應邀與
Richmond Orchestra and Chorus 合作獨奏Dvorak Cello Concerto。 2009年11月與哥倫比亞大學鋼琴
教授Eugen Skovorodnikov 及来自圣彼得堡的小提琴家violinist victor Kuleshov共同演出Beethoven
Triple Concerto。同年12月参与指挥兼小提琴家Robert Rozek 带领的Stradivari Ensemble of the
Vancouver Academy of Music乐团首次的演出中的大提琴独奏及首席大提琴。目前身为溫哥華三重
奏Vancouver Trio 的创始團员, 彭波与黑管音樂家 Gene Ramsbottom 和鋼琴家Keiko Alexander,自
大師課程. 自2012,彭波应邀加入Borealis String Quartet大提琴家。巡回演出亚洲,美洲,欧洲多
国。2012年受著名小提琴家胡乃元之邀参加Taiwan Connection音乐节作为首席大提琴巡演台湾全
除演奏以外﹐彭波亦致力於不同領域的教學。自 1994年-1996年彭波曾擔任達拉斯Highland Park
Private School和 Plano Public School 大提琴教師﹐多數學生在州立比賽中獲獎及被選入州立﹐市立
青年交響樂團。彭波于University of British Columbia 就讀期間﹐任弦樂系大提琴助教﹐教授大學
部學生。目前兼任 Richmond Music School, Delta Community School of Music 和 Guildford School of
Music 等音樂學校的大提琴教師。最近彭波刚加入昆特蘭工艺大學Kwantlen Polytechnical
University和VSO 音樂學院 大提琴教授和学生乐团总监。自2102年暑期,彭波应邀担任意大利
Casalmaggiore International Music Festival大提琴教授,并创立一年一度的大提琴重奏音乐
会(Cellissimo Concert)。
豐富的樂團演奏經驗也是彭波大提琴事業的一部份﹐曾任德州Irving Symphony Orchestra 和 印第
安那州 Columbus Philharmonic Orchestra 首席大提琴﹐並曾加入 Dallas Opera Orchestra, Richardson

Symphony Orchestra, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Vacouver Symphony Orchestra and Vancouver
Opera Orchestra與當代著名指揮家Pierre Boulez, Daniel Barenboim, Anshel Brusilov等合作演出。



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