Lucy Hall (Violin)

Lucia Hall Musiktage am Rhein Festival

Canadian violinist Lucy Hall studied at the Conservatoire de Musique à Montreal and at the Montreal Concordia University with Prof. T. Gabora and Prof. E. Turovsky, as well as at the “Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien” with Prof. D Schwarzberg.

She also profited from Master classes with Igor Ozim, Michael Kugel, Yuri Bashmet, Dmitri Sitkovetsky, Valentin Berlinsky (Borodin Quartet) and was offered a position as scholarship student in the Yehudi Menuhin Music Academy in Gstaad by Sir Yehudi Menuhin.

Lucy Hall is prize-winner of several national and international competitions such as the “Romano Romanini” (Italy), the “Brahms Wettbewerb” (Austria) and the” Mozart International Festival for Young Artists” (USA). She was granted scholarships from the “Canada Council” and the “Ministère des Affaires Culturelles du Québec” and was awarded upon graduation a Special-Merit Prize by the Austrian Ministry of Culture and Education.

She has performed as soloist and chamber musician in Europe, North America and Russia in venues such as the “Bolshoi Saal” , the “Kölner Philharmonie” , “Place des Arts”, and Vienna “Konzerthaus” and participates in numerous Festivals including “ Martha Argerich and Friends”, the “Haydn Festspiele Eisenstadt”, the “Montreux Festival”, the “Oleg Kagan Festival”, the “Klangbogen Wien” and the “Progetto Martha Argerich” Festival in Lugano.

In chamber music she has performed with musicians such as Martha Argerich, Mischa Maisky, Ivry Gitlis, Nobuko Imai, Lilya Zilberstein, José Gallardo, Polina Leschenko, Milan Turkovitch, Dora Schwarzberg, Alexander Mogilewsky, Mark Drobinsky and Alexander Rabinovitch-Barakovsky.

She was a founding member of the well known chamber orchestra” I Musici de Montréal”, a member of the “Kläring Quartett” , concertmistress and leader of several chamber orchestras ( “Ensemble 20 th Century”,”Wiener Symphonietta”,”Frauen Kammerorchester “,“die Reihe” ) and she held positions in the Radio Symphony Orchestra Wien as well as the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

In 1998 Lucy Hall was offered a position as assistant to Prof. D. Schwarzberg at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien . She has given Master classes in Russia, Croatia, France, Switzerland and Austria (for Jeunesse). Many of the students she has coached have won important competitions and several have secured leading orchestral positions.

In 2003 she performed in the Première of Alexander Rabinovitch-Barakovsky’s composition “Die Zeit, for piano, violin, cello and celesta”, from which a CD recording for” MegaDisc” was produced. As well as recordings for TV and Radio, Lucy Hall has participated in several CD productions for the “Chandos”; “Gramola” and “EMI Classics” labels.




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